The subject matter of all construction works is not only the building of a New Housing but also reconstruction or reengineering of existing constructions, expansion and technical improvement of the existing estates, building renovation. The New Housing is the buildings and constructions, which by the end of all construction works will be with an independent balance sheet. The New Housing is performed at the new sites where the new production facilities or the new residential area are created.

Reconstruction of the buildings, structures and enterprises is the internal rearrangement of the existing workspaces. The goal of such reconstruction is the reconfiguration of the internal space for better deployment of the modern equipment, machines and process lines.


- Construction, Assembling and Renovation of Electric Substations:

  • Construction, Renovation and Maintenance of the Power Lines;
  • Renovation and Reconstruction of Distribution Centers (500kV switchgear, 220kV switchgear; 110kV switchgear; 35kV switchgear; 110 kV indoor switchgear; 35kV indoor switchgear; 10kV indoor switchgear; 6kV indoor switchgear);
  • Assembling of Power Pylons;
  • Assembling of Communication Towers 

- Construction of Building (no higher than 5 storey)

- Construction of sports facilities

- Assembling and Dismantling of various large-scale engineering constructions and buildings

- Construction and Repair works during Capital Repair and Renovation of the constructions and buildings

- Building of Loadbearing and Walling constructions and buildings:

  • Bedding (foundation, slab) - base course, reinforcing, formwork, concrete casting
  • Building of Loadbearing Constructions (framing of the building) – installation of embedded parts on the reinforced concrete slab, securing them with anchors, installation of stanchions on the embedded parts, assembling of wind bracing and erection of beams (floor, ceiling rafter)

- Dismantling of existing buildings, structures and constructions:

  • Dismantling of buildings and constructions
  • Industrial Dismantling
  • Foundations Dismantling
  • Dismantling of reinforced concrete foundations
  • Dismantling of metal structures
  • Housebreaking and Redevelopment


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